Saturday, June 11, 2011

How to get CASH back on wedding registry returns at Bed Bath and Beyond.

     Getting married is a fun and exciting time, full of changes both big and small. One thing that can be counted on is gifts. And since you will most likely be moving into a new home, this is not necessarily a bad thing. The best way to ensure that they will be gifts you like is to open a wedding registry. You may find, however, that in this time of transition cash may be more useful than a bread-maker or blender, but it would be in bad taste to specify cash only for wedding gifts, and most retailers will only give store credit for your registry returns.
     Bed Bath and Beyond offers a bridal registry. Like most retailers, their policy is store credit for any registry returns. What they don't tell you is that their policy is to give you cash if you ask for it. They will try to discourage you. You will have to talk to a few managers, but in the end you will get it. I've seen entire gift registries returned for THOUSANDS of dollars. You may not leave that day with cash in hand, though you might, but after jumping through a few hoops you will get it. It can go down a couple of different ways.


     The first situation, and the most common for high dollar amounts, they will offer you a corporate check. Basically you fill out a form, they fax it to their main office. A few weeks later you are sent a check for the amount. This usually happens at times when the store is not busy. During weekdays, the store has less traffic, and the managers do not feel a sense of urgency to please you. If you are not offered a corporate check, you may be told by the manager that the store does not have enough money on hand. If this is the case, the manager may tell you to come on a weekend afternoon, and will have the money waiting for you.
     The best outcome, of course, is cash in hand. The best way to achieve this is to go when the store is very busy. The stores tend to be understaffed, and the management is more prone to give in and please you, as opposed to receiving a customer complaint. I suggest weekends and holidays.
     I think this is a great way to plan for some post wedding cash, especially if you don't need a whole new house worth of appliances. Just remember, they will resist you at every step. The are trained to talk you out of it, but in the end the company WILL stand by their policy, albeit grudgingly.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i wanted to ask, if it's been almost 4 years, we didn't open that gift, can i still return it for cash? or is it only after 15 days?
